- Making a 3D sculpture
- Creating stencil art
- Using drama techniques to convey a message
- Choreographing a dance
- Composing a piece of music
- Creating wearable art
- Exploring photography - close ups/ different lighting/birds eye view
- Using recycled materials to make a work of art you could display at home or school
- Designing board game /card game
- Building a model
- Creating a recipe and trying it out
- Planting a garden
- Writing and illustrating a picture book for younger children
- Learning to knit or sew and making a toy
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TERM 1 - Passion Project
This term your task is to learn something new about a topic or activity that interests you.
Maybe you want to learn more about a certain country or animal. Perhaps you want to design a building and then create a model of it. You could be interested in learning to play a new instrument or conducting some scientific investigations. The possibilities are endless and you have the whole term to learn and explore.
You will need to keep a record of what you have done and in the last week of term you will present your project to your class and teacher. You could do this in many ways including a model, poem, speech, artwork, digital slideshow or by teaching the class a new skill you have learnt. You can be as creative as you like!
Your teacher will talk to you more about this in class and show you some examples of projects that students have done in the past. If you have any other questions just let them know.
Getting Started
Choose your topic or activity - remember it should be something you are really interested in.
Discuss your ideas with your classmates and family.
- Discuss your ideas with your Teacher by the end of Week 4.
Estimate and plan the time you will need to ensure you are ready to present your project at the end of the term.
The chart below may also help you to get started with your project.
Remember you can choose to learn about anything that interests you. Have fun.
a day not only gives you access to information, it can also expose you to language and ideas that